Including a lot of the “normal” kid things we do like play with legos, draw, puzzles, read books, etc… here are a couple things we’ve been doing to keep busy and sane at home.
小孩很喜歡假裝煮飯,也很喜歡在廚房玩,所以就真的讓他們 (在你的注意力底下) 跟你們一起下廚玩。我會讓Egan幫忙洗菜、洗水果,然後在旁邊陪我切菜、炒菜,我們也會讓他醃食材,因為鹽巴多一點點少一點點其實沒有太大的關係,所以我會真的讓Egan拿他要的調味料放進去一個大碗裡面,然後他會用手指或是湯匙來攪拌均勻,最後我們會把肉或是海鮮放進去碗裡面讓他去按摩,把他的’’特製醬料’’全部都按摩進去食材裡面。
Cooking 101.
Kids love to play in the kitchen, so I will let Egan wash all of our veggies and fruits while I do the more adult stuff like chopping and frying. We also let him marinate our meats and seafood. Since it is OK if there is a little less or more salt/pepper/spices/oil, we let him actually shake the contents into a big bowl and then mix it up with his fingers or a spoon. And then we put the meat into his mixture (you may need to help a bit) and he can massage the seasoning into our meats.
Note: Make sure to constantly remind them that they can’t touch anything while they’re dealing with raw meats. And definitely no taste testing yet!
煮好放上桌的時候, 也可以大聲的宣布這道菜是小孩一起幫忙做的。他們會很驕傲也會很有成就感。
Bonus: When the food is actually cooked, tell everybody that your toddler is the sous-chef and helped with the cooking. It teaches them about their contributions and small achievements.
Drink coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.
Oh sorry - that’s not something to do with the kids. That’s just for the parents to keep our sanity.
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